Enthusiastically, I would like to share that I am leading a mission trip to Ethiopia and Uganda this July 19th-August 1st. Our adoption agency shared upcoming trips with
Visiting Orphans and I instantly knew that I was called to go. The objective of Visitng Orphans is to place volunteers in oprhanages to care for children and share God's love with them.
The team will be built of 25 passionate, loving, adventurous people who are willing to serve in some of the most difficult situations I can imagine. The trip will include serving with
Katie, a 21year old Tennessee girl, who moved to Uganda and started an orphanage that feeds 400 children three meals a day! Katie has now adopted 13 beautiful daughters. She is truly inspirational to me! We will also go to Mother Teresa's HIV orphange and the Kids Care Orphanage.
The trip will be co-led by Cari Gibson, the author and creator of
MyCrazyAdoption.org Her and I are blog buddies and as soon as I asked her to co-led this trip she was jumping up and down with tears of joy!!! Cari has a 2 year old adopted daugther from Ethiopia and 2 teenagers. She started her website to assist families in the adoption process. Ryan and I have used her advice and guidance from day one of our journey! She is going to be a fantastic mission trip leader and I cannot wait to meet her face-to-face in July!
I am holding an informational meeting on February 1st at Woodland Community Church at 6:00pm in room 115. We will discuss the timeline, fundraising, applications and immunizations. Please email me at Ryanashlie@aol.com to RSVP.
Please pray that this mission trip changes the lives of children.
With Love,