These are the faces of 10 beautiful children in Ethiopia that I am matching with Sponsors. I have partnered with Children's Hopechest, a trustworthy organization, making a huge impact on the lives of children living in poverty. Children's Hopechest has partnered with the Kechene School, located in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, where children in the community can come to connect with the staff, have a safe place to play, to receive schooling, and physical, medical, spiritual and emotional support. Ryan and I sponsor a seven year old girl, named Tadeleche, who comes to the Kechene Care Point. My long-term goal is to go to the Kechene Care point to meet all of the children and serve to meet their needs. I have a personal friend who is traveling to Ethiopia to deliver care packages to the sponsored children. She will hand deliver a t-shirt with bubbles, stickers, toothpaste and toothbrush wrapped inside, to our sponsored child. I write Tadeleche a monthly letter and we are anxiously awaiting to hear from her. My hope is to be able to hug her one day and tell her that we love her and have been praying for her.
I am hoping to find 10 people who are willing to be sponsors. A sponsorship cost $34 per month. Perhaps, this Holiday season you and your family can include this in your charitable giving? Perhaps, you have been waiting for an opportunity like this. Perhaps, you start a sponsorship today and then travel with me to Ethiopia to meet your sponsored child one day....There are so many possibilities and I hope you will consider them.
If you are interested in sponsoring please respond and I will give you all of the details! Also, please feel free to share this with friends or family who might be interested.
Thank you for your time!
Love you all,