Here is a ridiculously long post to answer the question, "What do you use in Easton's hair?" All of the products can be purchased at Walmart or Target. I've heard of wonderful products available online but I have been happy with the over the counter, inexpensive products found locally. It's been a journey of trial and error to see what works best with the texture of his hair. I actually started writing this post months ago but I keep finding different products and techniques that I wanted to share. Hopefully, this will be a starting point and a good reference for you! Easton's hair is tight curls. When you pull them out you can see how long it is! Baby Shampoo- (very mild for Easton's hair) Our favorite leave in condition! We use a generous amount of this conditioner each bath. I believe the key to Easton's hair is rich conditioner and no tangles. A good comb is necessary! I try to comb through it twice a week, in the tub with lots of conditioner. I keep the scissors close by too because I typically just cut out the tiny knots on the ends. Easton can tolerate this for about 5 minutes so I work fast!
This was Easton's hair at 12 months old. This is combed out! I haven't combed out his hair in a long time. I'm pretty sure he would have atleast a 4 inch fro!
This is what it looks like when it's completely soaked. Tight ringlets that I love! I just have to share some silly pictures of Preston's comb over and natural mohawk. Looks like Preston is going to have to have his 1st haircut this week. We are just going to trim his bangs, since they are in his eyes. I guess I just like long hair because I don't intend on actually cutting either of the boys' hair!
2 Videos to show you:
Some hair samples: (Twist and Lock) Our favorite product for styling his hair (special occasions-It's too much work to do daily) I use a generous amount and twist locks of hair around my figures. I do not use a comb to part it. I simply grab a tiny chunk and twist it between my figures. J8fbAKU8blI/Tx6wzaimTNI/AAAAAAAABYA/zHnyJsvxgaA/s1600/Organic%2BRoot%2BStimulator%2BLock%2Band%2BTwist%2BGel%2B13%2Boz.jpg" onblur="try {parent.deselectBloggerImageGracefully();} catch(e) {}"> (Poof Ball) Here is Easton's hair once I sprayed it with water and rubbed Cantu Shea Butter leave in conditioner through it: We love all of the Cantu products! (Curly Q) Easton's hair after a bath with Palmer's coconut oil, hair milk in it: (A Hot Mess) Inevitably what Easton's hair will look like after 10 hours of sleep in his crib!! Time for a bath and to start all over again!! =) Mama's hair doesn't get half the attention that the boys' hair does! =) Thankfully my hairdresser friend Brittny insist on taking care of me!
A BLAST FROM THE PAST: Incase you are wondering if your baby will have hair like Easton's, here are a few pictures to help you compare. His hair was never course, it was always soft, curly and fine. (I love this picture!!!! I'm 5 months pregnant with Preston =)
Hopefully that gives you more information than you could ever need on Ethiopian hair care!
If you have any questions please leave a comment or email me at
Yep, I just made that up! I have a ton of adorable cell phone pictures that I want to share and I'm sure my Facebook friends have seen enough! So, I will post them to my blog on a weekly basis~ (well, we shall see how often that happens) Here's a little bit of this and a little bit of that! ENJOY!
Our beautiful baby boy! One picture from each month of Preston's 1st year! We celebrated Preston's 1st Birthday on November 26th at the park with all of our friends and family. The weather was beautiful and Preston was adorable in his 1st birthday outfit. All of the kids loved the All Star Turns 1 Theme! The soccer ball pinata was a hit (no pun intended). Preston actually ate a good portion of his cake and was all smiles as he played on the slide. Preston's first year was filled with smiles, laughter, and lots of food! Preston loves to eat and play with his big brother Easton. Preston's first 6+ months were tough. He had colic and didn't go a day without hours of crying. I am so thankful that those days are behind us and now he can easily be entertained and has the funniest chuckle I've ever heard. Preston nursed for 13 months, which I absolutely loved and will forever miss my moments with Preston. He never slept in his beautiful crib. He preferred Mommy and Daddy's bed or the floor over his crib. Silly boy! Now, at 13 months he sleeps in his pack-n-play in his room. This is progress my friends. As soon as I quit nursing he slept through the night. Although he doesn't go to sleep without a fight! Preston was an early crawler and walker but we weren't surprised, he has Easton to learn from and to catch up with! Preston says a few words, Mama, Dada, ball and car. His favorite toys are anything he can ride, balls, and silly dancing and singing toys. He loves to play chalk outside and starting climbing up his slide at 12 months!! He isn't afraid of anything! He will go down the slide head first or simply try to walk down it! He's given me quiet a few heart attacks!! Preston always has a bruised leg or arm and a boo-boo on his head! He's ALL BOY!!! Preston, we love you so much and are so thankful for you!
Here are some of his milestones! (This blog is our family scrapbook, sorry for the boring post) Birthday: November 29, 2010 8lbs, 11oz- 21 inches long 1st time at the park- January 15th 1st time at the beach- March 20th 1st time eating rice cereal- April 6th Starting getting up on all 4's and pushing backwards-May 18th Full out crawling- June 5, 2011 1st Steps- September 8th Full out walking- October 8th Preston has beautiful blue eyes: Sleeping on Daddy: Just one picture of Preston's newborn scream! (I did 2 whole pages in his baby album of screaming pictures!!) hanging out with daddy: crawling: Nov 2011 in the GA mountains: You are such an important part of our family Preston. We love you so much!
Photography for a cause! 100% of proceeds will go toward our adoption expenses.
Grab Our Link:
Easton's Adoption Timeline
July 23rd, 2009-Acceptance from AWAA, Officially began the adoption process! August 5th, 2009-Return from summer vacation and start working on the homestudy and dossier documents August 31st, 2009- Homestudy paperwork done, 3/4 the way complete with the Dossier September 12th-26th, 2009- First Home Study Visit 9/12, 2nd visit 9/23, 3rd visit 9/26. September 16th, 2009-Received Notary Authentication from FL Dept. of State. September 19th, 2009- Dossier complete 90%-waiting on the Finalized Home Study Report and I-171H (Immigration Papers)
October 19th- Home Study Completed, finalized copies received!!!!! October 20th- I-600A Sent to USCIS October 28th- Confirmation that USCIS received our application. Waiting for an appointment to be finger printed at the CIS department in Tampa. October 29th- Made 4 copies of the Dossier....waiting for Immigration Paperwork, the LAST piece!! November 14th-Appointment Notification for Biometrics (fingerprints) December 1st- USCIS Building in Tampa to be fingerprinted. December 23rd- Immigration Approval Received (I-7171H) Sent Dossier to our Agency in Washington, DC!!! January 8, 2010-DTE!!! (Dossier to Ethiopia!!!!!) Officially on the waiting list for Easton!!!! February 8, 2010- 1 Month Waiting for our referral! =) March 8, 2010- 2 Months Waiting for our referral! =) March 10, 2010- The Ethiopia Government changed the adoption procedure to a 2-trip program. Meaning, families must travel 2-4 weeks after receiving a referral to appear in Ethiopian Court. Families will return to the US (without child) after their court date. Finally families will travel back to Ethiopia 10-12 weeks later, to bring their child home. April 8, 2010- 3 Months Waiting for Easton's Picture!!!
May 1, 2010- Find out we are at the top of the list for a baby boy referral!!! Praying our day is coming soon!!!!!
May 8, 2010- 4 Months Waiting for Our Referral!!!!
May 13, 2010- REFERRAL!!! We see our 2 month old baby for the 1st time EVER!! He's beautiful, we are in love, and we are parents!!!!
June 4, 2010- Announce that we are pregnant!!!!!! We are going to be a family of 4 by Christmas!
June 18, 2010- Ashlie and her Mom Leave for Ethiopia! Ashlie will be teaching at the Transition Home and loving on Easton everyday until she can bring him home forever!
June 20, 2010 - Ashlie meets Easton for the first time!!!
July 14, 2010 - Ryan meets Easton for the first time.
July 21, 2010 - We pass court, and are officially a family!
August 19th, 2010- US Embassy Appointment August 20th, 2010- Flew out of Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
I am the wife to my amazing husband Ryan and mother to our two sons, Easton Aschenaki and Preston Abenet. We adopted our son from Ethiopia in 2010 and after 9 months in the adoption process were surprised to find out that I was pregnant! Our 2 boys are only 8 months apart. We are excited to embark on our next adoption journey. We will be adopting our daughter from Ethiopia! Follow our story at: